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Special Tip Detail

Special Tip Detail

Good Born-ing
Richard Wolf From Berlin

Carretera de les Aigües

Carretera de les Aigües

Wonderful city views whilst you are walking, running or cycling on the mountain above Barcelona. I usually go there when it's a sunny day so I can enjoy the panoramic views at sunset.

Passeig del Born

Passeig del Born

Located in the heart of Barcelona’s old town you´ll find the “Passeig del Born” – the main Rambla for this eccentric neighbourhood. Hidden between the different cocktail bars you can a little bit of history with Bar Berimbau. It is one of Europe’s oldest Brazilian bars and originally the first bar in the city to be serving the Brazilian classic- the Caipirinha. A great location to bar hop whilst trying out different drinks and enjoying the laid back vibe of the area until the early hours of the morning.



About halfway up La Rambla you’ll find the old food market – La Boqueria and it is a great pit stop for a snack mid exploration. First, grab yourself a fresh juice! I had the coconut and pineapple and with the august heat, it’s a flash back to an exotic island! Stroll further in and to the right hand side you’ll find a couple of tapas bars. All of them are good so really no need to name any of them. Look out for an available stool and park yourself down. For a typical Catalan lunch, settle for the “pa amb tomàquet” , “pernil de gla” and a plate of “escalivada”.